Why is it such a chore for students to write well organised compositions?
Most students, it would seem, would rather memorise model English Composition essays and churn it out robotically than actually attempt to form their own style in writing.
This could probably be due to a fear of exploring their own style or confusion in choosing a topic which suits them.
The 5 English Composition Tips which I will share with you now will help to dispel those fears in writing using stylistic devices and choosing suitable topics.
TIP #1: Think out of the box
Do not just write according to the demands of the question but ‘think out of the box’.
What this means is that you should choose a creative path in writing rather than sticking to mundane plots in English Composition. I will discuss how this tip should be used with the following topic:
Write about an occasion when you laughed out during an inappropriate moment. |
This is a Narrative topic so it should be about choosing a suitable plot for this question. Choosing that inappropriate moment is of prime importance. Now, what most students will do is to choose a classroom situation where the teacher was teaching something important and the student chose to laugh.
This plot is entirely in keeping with the English Composition question but the problem with it is that it will be rather boring. The story about laughing in class and earning the irritation of the teacher is probably going to be the most used plot for that exam. Imagine the boredom of the examiner in marking this.
The main advice I will dispense is to keep away from hackneyed plots. Choose something realistic, sincere and refreshing. Write about something where you were emceeing a show and while making an announcement for an item you found the performers’ outfit provoked a devilish desire to laugh uncontrollably.
This English Composition topic will present you with the opportunity to describe the performers and trace the reason for your laughter. Were you reminded of something funny in your past? This plot will provide you with several refreshing angles for you to write imaginatively.

TIP #2: A few Creative Words go a long way in English Compositions
The next tip may sound easy but it will make a world of difference when you use it. Always try to use at least 4 creative phrases/words/idioms/proverbs in your essay.
I will recommend creative phrases and words which when liberally sprinkled throughout the essay will create an air of professionalism and allure.
Use profound words with the same meaning in English Composition instead of common ones.
‘Malicious’ instead of ‘mean or cruel’.
‘Sagacious’ instead of ‘wise’.
‘Kitsch’ instead of ‘common’.
‘Dire straits’ instead of ‘deep trouble’.
‘Vexed’ instead of ‘annoyed’.
‘Exigencies’ instead of ‘urgency’.
If you used any 4 of these words/phrases your composition will experience a ‘lift’ in style and appeal. The difference will be rather obvious and you will gain extra marks straightaway. In fact, this is one of the fastest ways of gaining more marks in English Composition.
TIP #3: Make irony part of your style
The third tip which you should use when writing English Composition is to use Irony. The use of an ironic example in the plot will reinforce the thrust of the story. What is the purpose of using irony?
Well, irony is a literary device which shows an extreme balance. The use of irony traces the difference in two different kinds of actions performed and their subsequent impacts and realisations.
It can also provoke humour in an offhand sort of way.
For instance:
“Keagan got into his raincoat and boots when it started to rain but by the time he got to the front door, the sun had started to shine”.
There is an opposite situation with the rain and sun which impedes Keagan’s ability to adapt to it. He is also dressed in raincoat and boots when the sun is shining. This is also an opposite situation. Therefore, irony is seen in both ways. It also creates subtle humour as it is rather comical imagining Keagan in raincoat and boots.
Using a simple stylistic device like irony injects the composition with a refreshing style. It also makes the English Composition writing more appealing and entertaining. So, the next time you try to describe a situation, use Irony.

TIP #4: Do not be afraid of your Opinion
Use your opinion when writing subjectively. Do not be afraid to mention how you feel about an incident or action taken in your story. Or reflect upon an observation.
For instance, if the rate of cyberbullying has increased, reflect on how you feel that higher usage of the internet amongst students could have contributed to this. Or you may say that bullying is always easier on the internet as the identity is anonymous. Therefore, this will induce someone to bully with impunity.
Using opinions are expected as reflective topics and argumentative topics demand that you do so. Even with narrative and descriptive topics, you may intersperse a couple of opinions at suitable intervals.
Remember to make sure that your opinions are a) relevant, b) sound logical and c) create an impact.
It takes practice to master writing English Composition with opinions so make sure you give yourself time to practice this Tip!
TIP #5: The last sentence should be your parting shot
This is one of the most effective tips of all. In fact, it can be done in a single sentence!
This tip should only be used in the last portion of the concluding paragraph.
Most students wonder how they should end the composition. After all, the entire essay rests on the summation paragraph doesn’t it? Just as the final speaker in a debate is instrumental in guiding the team to victory, the concluding lines in the last paragraph should reflect the angle you have projected in your essay.
The very last line or couple of lines should reveal what you think will happen because of the way the story has evolved OR you should show how your future has changed and is likely to be because of the way the situation/s turned out to be.
The last line or two should project change, for the better. It should be like a beacon of light which lights the reader on to imagine what the future might be.
The last line is also the part which will impact the marker the most. So, make sure you give it your best shot!
These are my 5 Great Tips for writing English Compositions. Use them wisely dear readers and you will be amazed to see the difference in your writing.