The way you read and analyse the Secondary English comprehension text can reveal fathoms about you.
I mean, do you simply Zip through the entire text from beginning to end in a flash as if the roadrunner was after you?
Or do you take it nice and easy, stopping to admire the jargon along the way?
The way you read is revelatory.
It can be an insightful read, a moment of sheer creativity or a process.
Choose the way you want to read yourSecondary English comprehension text and gain knowledge. Yes, the way you read can be a knowledge provider. And I am not talking through my hat.
If you took the time to look at the finer details and assimilate them carefully, this will add to your enjoyment of the text. You will actually be able to derive your own conclusions and you can start answering the questions.

The 2-Step Reading Method For Secondary English Comprehension
The 2-step method is to read and skim. I know you have heard this before and I am being dreadfully boring but I do have something engaging for you.
Just stay hooked ok?
The first step is to read through and pick up the main protagonist and the secondary character.
What are they trying to say and what is the chemistry between them?
Understanding the main characters is a great step in understanding the narrative passage. You will understand almost all the text that way and theSecondary English comprehension questions will be a breeze.
Each character will have dialogue in a narrative and there will be a dominating one. Try to understand why that character is dominating and for what reason. Understand the lesser character’s objective and what the character’s aim is.
Chances are that the questions will be directed at what each of them is trying to say in relation to each other.
When you readSecondary English comprehension texts, do not just read as if it was a reading exercise. Do it carefully as if you were gathering little clues for a major exercise. Change your attitude to reading.
The second step is to read the narrative in between or if it is descriptive, understand what the author is driving at. Authors will always try to lay out their aims in an indirect way.
It could be through statistics, dialogue, the clash between 2 parties, or irony.
Whatever the method employed, arrive at your own conclusions about what the narrative is hinting at.
Your understanding of the vocabulary used is important too but if you have understood the main aim, you do not have to worry.

What To Understand?
Ok. What do you really need to understand when you read aSecondary English comprehension passage? As I have already explained, it is the characters and the narrative.
There is one more factor that you need to take into account and that is the ending. What does the ending of the text imply?
Is it an open ending or is it a foregone conclusion? Why is the ending so important? Who are the main characters in the end? Was there a battle and did one side win?
Was there a hidden meaning at the end? What did it mean?
By the time you arrive at the end, you are supposed to draw your own conclusions about the true purpose of the texts. Understand the ending and you will have everything in hand. Always remember to read the text carefully especially during your second reading and try to make little notes at the side about your perspectives if possible.
Alright, I hope I have delivered some unique perspectives on how to read and understand yourSecondary English comprehension texts. These are points which I have rarely discussed and I am sure that they will be an asset to you.