Writing a really good essay in Secondary 2 English means that you have to be really good with words, ideas and grammar.
I will be writing about grammar and vocabulary in today’s blog.
I will explain why it is important to pay attention to your tense, verbs and sentence construction when you write.
Why is Grammar and sentence construction such a big deal?
You will need to be really good in the grammar department if you want to be taken seriously as a writer.
You will need to pay attention to the first person or persona part and adapt your grammar accordingly. Is it told from a present time viewpoint? Or both present and past when the narrative switches back and forth more than once?
Or is the entire essay set in the present tense where you had just gone through the entire experience and you are just reeling from it? Even then, your past tense will be in effect as you recount your recent experience after which you can switch to the present where you may reflect on the lesson you had learned.
Writing using good grammar is most important whether it is in a narrative or argumentative essay in Secondary 2 English. There are no shortcuts to perfecting good grammar.
And how do you do this?
Well, in my humble opinion, you just need to plod away by doing grammar exercises. Make sure that you have done plenty of groundwork by doing those tense and vocabulary exercises inSecondary 2 English.

If you feel you have much to deplore, choose a private tutor to help you cross that hurdle. Sometimes, dealing with everything on your own can be a bit too much.
There is no getting away from your grammar so do bear in mind that you need to have a good foundation in it.
How do you use Grammar to discuss Trends in Secondary 2 English?
Ok. When you use good grammar, you may discuss any trend but from my experience, when you discuss current trends you may use the same technique which I mentioned.
Trends are ongoing so use the present tense. “I will always use…” This is to describe an ongoing fixation with something.
And it signals that you are in touch with the latest. That is a good way to write, really.

How do you use Vocabulary to discuss Trends inSecondary 2 English?
This part is more interesting. Vocabulary is really my forté. I find it difficult to express myself without going into the more intrinsic explanations. A beautifully written description can lift an essay from being common to being exquisite.
Alright. Exactly how do you do this?
All you have to do is to be observant? Is the trend extraordinarily shocking? Is it about something exciting and gratifying? Is it about creating more diversity? What sort of trend is it?
When you use vocabulary to discuss trends inSecondary 2 English, you need to know what you are writing about. Understand the trend, then the words will come naturally to you.
Remember, your words will define your thoughts. And your thoughts will lend expression to the facts. Mere words are like unformed thoughts. It is only when you create phrases and try to impact them with feelings that it becomes exciting.
Your words should thrill, captivate and enhance your work.
Use your words to define the heart of your argument. Make it your duty to impact with words till your entireSecondary 2 English essay becomes a work of art or something to cause someone to think differently.
Your vocabulary should resonate and it does not have to be with complex words. Your vocabulary may be simple and yet captivating. Some of the greatest authors have used simple vocabulary. One of the modern authors is Paulo Coelho. He is a unique writer who uses simple sentence structure and words for the greatest impact.
If you like his style, try emulating him. Everyone should have a role model or an icon to follow.
Create a better style of writing by impacting with perfect grammar and exciting, new words!