How Listening To Music Can Benefit Students

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If music be the food of love, play on. These famous words from Duke Orsino from Twelfth Night are legendary. Music is indeed so powerful that it is akin to ‘food’; something that nourishes you just by listening to it. Music can instill love into whatever you are doing and create harmony in your environment.

It is a very powerful tool, used to create awareness in regards to the spirit of creativity and the ability to transcend to a different level of interaction with our fellow beings. Singing or listening to music also increases brain power and coordination, which paves the way for a higher IQ and better focus, while also increasing the power of our five senses.

Music transforms people, and for students in particular, music offers many, many benefits not realised by many. Here are several reasons why students should consider picking up a musical instrument, aspire to be more musically inclined, or just listen to more music:

How Listening To Music Can Benefit Students

Moving from one state to another

Music has the power to take you from one state to another. It can instantly lift you up from a negative state to a positive one, for example. More often than not, music fills the soul with exuberance and optimism, and the best part of it all is that this happens spontaneously. Music has the power to create change all on its own. Music, in other words, takes you to a higher state of thinking. Hence, it makes perfect sense why some people prefer listening to music while getting work done.


Music just calms you. When you are feeling stressed or out of sorts, music can be a form of relief. It does not matter what sort of music you listen to, even though some people may argue that only classical music has the ability to transform you. Finding music that you truly enjoy is the most important thing. Just turn it on and allow the sounds to wash over you like a soothing balm. You may experience these outcomes even stronger if you played a musical instrument.

How Listening To Music Can Benefit Students


Have you ever found it difficult to focus on a task at hand? It is not uncommon as most students find this to be the case. The trick here is to learn how to focus when you simply cannot. Sometimes, a good night’s sleep will not do the trick. Well, try listening to some music you like, with or without a headset. When your mind is relaxed, your focus will automatically improve. There will be more clarity in the way you perceive ideas and your processing power will increase.


As a student, you will be studying multiple subjects and disciplines, and when you listen to music, it heightens your awareness to learn according to the demands of each subject. For instance, those doing the Listening English paper will need to comprehend what the speaker is saying as communication is oral and not written. On the other hand, for the written composition paper, your skills will depend on your style of writing, which may be more demanding. Music can aid compartmentalisation, thus helping you adjust to the demands of each domain.

How Listening To Music Can Benefit Students


Music boosts creativity, and you may notice that your optimism might overrule negative thoughts and feelings when listening to music. You should also find that it helps you come up with more original ideas and concepts, aiding you to think out of the box. There are studies that have proven that listening to happy music promotes divergent thinking, which is a key element of creativity. Music also broadens the mindset and increases our desire to explore and play.

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