Writing a Secondary 1 English composition consists of writing expressions that aid in your storytelling.
Using expressions whether it is for general commentary or for writing with specific reasons is essential.
Alright. Writing with expressions forms a part of almost every piece of rhetoric.
What exactly are expressions?
Expressions are short statements that deliver a message or entice the reader with a charismatic view. Expressions generate hope, create enthusiasm and enhance the standard of theSecondary 1 English essay.
Writing expressively is definitely a standard way of writing. The question is how do you do it?
There are a few ways of creating expressions in yourSecondary 1 English essay.
You may use general expressions such as idioms or proverbs.
Why do people still do this?
And do they work?
They will work if they are relevant to the topic and they are able to create the effect you need. Writing with proverbs indicates wisdom beyond your years. And proverbs are one of the oldest forms of expression. A proverb can be used for a variety of situations if it is relevant.
#1 Proverbs are easy to learn and use
You may download it or simply get it from aSecondary 1 English assessment book.
My favourite way of concluding a composition is often done with proverbs.
They are succinct, save a lot of time explaining the obvious and create a lasting impact.
#2 Idioms also create the same sort of impact
Idioms are easy to apply too as they are generalisations.
The only difference is that they are shorter and can create a swifter impact.
“In the nick of time.” This is an idiom and it is one of the most well-worn idioms I have heard. It is very appropriate in modern compositions and can be used to explain a variety of themes.
Idioms are also easier to memorise and the meaning is apt for several topics whether it is narrative or expository.
Making generalisations is suitable only if you have a wide area to write in.
What do I mean by this?
If your topic affords you a wide range to write, it is ok to use idioms and proverbs.
Most narrative and reflective topics offer you a wide range. Why?
They are storytelling types of topics. “Is honesty the best way?” This offers you a wide range and you may use generalisations easily.
#3 The purpose of generalisation inSecondary 1 English
Why use generalisation at all? It is not really precise is it? Why indeed?
It may not be precise but you will still use it to comment on the vast majority do you not?
What about commenting that most teenagers prefer to use the phone than to read a book?
Is that not a generalisation?
So, generalisations are necessary when you opine on a subject. You need to do this to stay ahead of your writing. And it keeps the reader informed of your choices. It also reveals that you have the wisdom to tackle such a topic.
Generalisations are apt for almost every essay. You will need it to write about almost every kind of topic inSecondary 1 English Paper One.
What about the effect it creates?
If you use the correct expressions, generalisations need not sound vague or non-committal.
The use of proverbs and idioms is one way.
#4 Use popular quotes from famous people
An alternative to using proverbs and idioms is to use popular quotes from famous people. That will surely achieve the effect you want.
Famous people have a way of tuning in to the desires of the majority. They touch the raw nerve and indicate to us that they have won the day in expressing our deepest thoughts and emotions.
Quotes are often one of the best generalisations and I will suggest that you use them liberally when you write the Secondary 1 English composition.
I often find that even modern people from the 21st century have the best view of what is going on. Steve Jobs, for instance, had several quotes and all of them can be used in essays.
Ok. I have come to the end of my little blog on expressions and generalisations inSecondary 1 English.
Which one is your favourite choice? I would really like to know.
Would it not be fun to start using one of the examples I have mentioned?
Make your choice and get started!