Expository essays in Secondary English are often the key focus of Secondary 3 and 4 students.
The reason?
They do not require a rebuttal unlike argumentative questions and therefore require a straightforward discussion.
Now, that is a sound theory but you have to remember that you should write at least 4 paragraphs of really good, persuasive content that is current and up-to-date in Secondary English.
Expository essays are revelatory and they reveal what is going on in your lifestyle, your society and the world around you. The Secondary English topics could range along these and you need to be versatile.
And what does this point to? Your grip on news and general discussions. You need to be able to really reflect with your own opinions and reveal what is at the heart of your point.
Not only do you need to be on top of the news but you should have a persuasive manner of fleshing out the meaning of what is going on in these points. And I am referring to your style of persuading and revealing a point.
Let us look at 3 key areas where you have to be totally in control when you write an expository essay in Secondary English:

#1 – Your Angle For The Question
Your angle for the Secondary English question should include the thesis statement. It is all about what you are trying to say.
What is going to be the direction of your flow of content? Even if expository essays do not require a rebuttal, you still need to inject it with your views.
Do not just list out the points. That would be too structural. Inject the points with some empathy. Focus on the keywords.
Direct the flow of points with suitable remarks about the past and present. Feel free to interject with a subjective pattern that reflects the way discussions have been going on but be sure to state the good and the bad.
Make sure that your ‘voice’ is non-committal. There is no need to take sides but you may produce inferences about the pathetic or promising state of events.
When writing about a personal type of question about your lifestyle or family trends, for example, you may hitch it up a notch to inject with a slightly more personal view. Observations and anecdotes will bolster up your angle.
Above all, aim for clarity. What is your angle? Reveal this clearly in your Secondary English statement.
#2 – Relevant Content
Your content reveals everything. Lack of content will mean poor grades.
Have you wondered why you simply did not score?
It is rather easy to score in content, actually. Just remember the Golden Rule of having 4-5 main points before you start. You should have the main points in hand reflecting current patterns and your thoughts.
Think about how you are going to deliver these points in the Secondary English paper. Is your content up to date? Make sure you know what is going on right now and do not write about something outdated. World situations are volatile and evolve faster than you can drink your cup of coffee.
If you choose something closer to home, a lifestyle type of topic, then reflect on the latest trends and how people have changed in their behaviour. Reflect on the latest shifts. It could be the same topic but shifts happen all the time.

For example, the way teenagers study today is rather different from even 5 years ago. Technology is one of the fastest evolving industries.
You need to impress the marker with your information savviness. There should be no room in the reader’s mind that you have got it all under your wing.
Reveal your techno flair, your unmitigated response to fluctuations in society and refresh it with your opinions. Your content will save the day for you.
#3 – Persuasive Words
Words, words, words. These are always the bastions of every Secondary English essay. If your content will save the day, your words will place you on a pedestal. Practise writing a bit every day. Reflect on your choice of words for every essay.
Certain words are more dynamic and suited for evolving world situations.
Other words reflect family behaviour or trends in society. Or it could reflect the dangers in being on the internet or trusting too much.
If you notice, both these phrases sound very different but are entirely relevant. Your topic could be to reflect on the danger of trusting too much and you may include the part on trusting scams. Voila, and you have an essay that includes phishing and scamming.
These are hybrid questions and you may use persuasive language about your empathy for older folks and how easy it is to be duped. Your words should convey empathy, sorrow, impartiality, judgement, anxiety, frustration and even love for mankind.
Your words can tilt the essay in any direction you choose. They are powerful markers of your own views.
These are the 3 best tips I could think of. Once you have digested these, you do not really need any other tip.
You will be ready to take on any type of Secondary English expository question. Are you ready now? 😊