What are the ‘Pros’ and ‘Cons’ and when do you use them in O level English?
Ok. Let us understand what ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ really mean.
The most definitive answer is that a pro refers to the points you wish to make in favour.
The cons refer to the points you are not in favour of or are against.
You may classify them as the points for advantages and disadvantages respectively in yourO level English paper.
When do you use Pros and Cons?
The only time you will need to classify your points will be when you write an argumentative essay in O level English.
Argumentative essays demand that you clearly define where you stand. Your viewpoint, as to whether you agree or disagree with the question, is the main argument.
When you take a stand, you will need to write more points in favour of it, hence it is called ‘pros.’ When you write a ‘pro’, you will need to convince the reader that your point reflects the part of the argument that you are in favour of. Your ‘pro’ should be analytical and convincing.

How should you write a ‘Pro’?
A well-written ‘pro’ should fulfil these considerations:
i) It should reflect the greater side of theO level English question. What I mean is that when you write you are in favour of that part of the question, your pros should outweigh the opposing side.
ii) Your ‘pros’ should be the stronger points, therefore your evidence needs to be managed carefully. Your evidence should reflect the most up-to-date points which reflect the urgency of your examples. When you write a pro, you will need to convince the reader that your view is the best view.
iii) The language you use in writing a ‘pro’ should thrust the point home. It is a debating style of writing which you should use. The whole idea is to denote that your view is the best view so your language should be forceful when necessary and always persuasive.
iv) Your tone should reflect your confidence in the subject. Always be objective when you present the evidence and subjective when you write your explanation where you may also reveal your opinions.

How should you write a ‘Con’?
The ‘con’ is actually a rebuttal. You will need to show the opposite point of view and reveal that the question indeed has another side to it which may be lesser in content but demands attention.
A well-written ‘con’ should fulfil these considerations:
i) A ‘con’ should reflect the opposing argument to a ‘pro’. When you write a ‘con’, it should reveal that you need to ‘expose’ some of the negative sides to the argument you are in favour of.
ii) You will need to argue objectively and mention evidence that supports this.
iii) Never make your ‘con’ arguments become more relevant to the question than your ‘pro’ arguments. Just make sure that you write only one or two ‘con’ arguments or points.
When you write your points for both sides inO level English, make sure that your ‘pro’ points are stronger. Otherwise, your stand will appear weak.
In order to avoid this from happening, make sure that you write a mind map before you start writing during theO level English paper. In your mind map, write all your points in favour and those against. Then, evaluate both sides.
Add the evidence so that it has more weight. Then, evaluate again to make sure that your pro points have a stronger side. If you feel that you do not have enough ‘pro’ points, please abandon this question and choose another one.
First of all, the mind map takes up less than 5 minutes so you will have enough time to start over with another question.
Secondly, proceeding will only make the answer appear ineffectual and weak. The ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ determine what you are trying to say and they send a signal to theO level English marker that you are on the right track.
Argumentative questions can be easily managed if you plan your Stand and rebuttal at the start. Writing all your pros and cons can actually be an excellent way of making sure that yourO level English essay stays on track and gets those marks that you deserve.