Situational writing is one of the easier components for the N Level English composition paper.
The question is more structured and you have plenty of guidelines to follow.
This is actually a plus point as you are directed towards the answer in N Level English paper.
There are clues about how to choose your points and emphasise them and directions for your tone.
In fact, you have a step-by-step guide on how to present your ideas and break them down.
I will show you how writing both the informal and formal letter as well as the proposal and report can be easily attempted in the N level English paper with great results.
All you need to do is to have a little planning and foresight. It is really very difficult to go wrong in this area.
Informal Letter Writing
Informal letter writing can be easily completed with impressive results if you just follow some simple steps.
Most informal letter instructions are predictable. The premise of every letter writing question rests on your ability to impart a certain message.
For the most part, the message is rather uncomplicated, revolving around a meeting with a friend or relative residing overseas or an inquiry over your intentions to visit and possibly stay with them.
Your ability to write about pleasantries and engage the reader with a lively flow of information is vital.
All this is dependent on your ‘tone.’ Is your tone warm, lively, caring, and interesting? You need to project this through your choice of words in the N Level English paper.
Keep the sentences simple and clear. Always ask after the other person’s welfare and do not make demands about your interests.
The question may state that you are to ask about staying with them but this has to be done in a sensitive way where you are ‘asking’ for permission.

Good manners play a great part. No one will tell you this but all informal letters depend on your tact, charm, and persuasiveness. Charm is a big plus. 😊
If you are able to understand that an informal letter is more about the way you convince with your charm while inserting the necessary information at the same time, your work is nearly done.
Keep the flow going and always aim towards a ‘happy’ conclusion where you are simply glad to have this opportunity to meet them or something close to this.
Formal Letter Writing
Formal letter writing follows the same rules about stating the information in the N Level English question but it has different functions.
The function of all formal letters is to state the reason for that letter and it has to be done in a precise and clear way.
Engagement with the reader is not necessary and the reason for your wanting to write this letter should be stated at the onset.
If you are good at following the given instructions, it will be easy to tackle a formal letter.
The notes will have a precise set of instructions, usually about an application or a complaint.
There will be reasons and supporting information given to convey why you are writing this letter.
Both Informal and Formal letters will state that you may add suitable information where necessary.
This is to test you on your ability to write information that supports the N Level English question.
Your ability to think independently will be a plus point so do try to add relevant and useful information.
This will mean extra marks for you so grab this opportunity to score!

Proposal Writing
Writing a Proposal depends on choices.
A proposal is essentially convincing the party you are writing to that your choice should be considered.
The only way to convince is to state reasons that are totally sound. It should be absolutely useful and rational.
Therefore, you will need to write about all the advantages of your particular proposal.
Your language is all-important in the N Level English paper. Use words that are professional sounding and express your ideas with sophistication and finesse.
The style you use will convince the reader and this is as important as your supporting evidence.
Report Writing
Report writing is usually to a relevant authority concerning a serious happening.
The facts have to be mentioned upfront with precision. Your language should be sharp and straight to the point in the N Level English paper.
Style and sophistication do not play a part.
The only main feature of report writing is to mention facts in a journalistic style and recount what had happened in detail without prejudice.
As you can see, acing your N level English situational writing can be rather easy if you understand the demands of each question.
It can be a straight path to success for you if you simply follow my tips.
Good luck!