Writing impactfully is a must whether it is for examination, work or personal purposes.
There are many reasons why we write something and send it out to someone to read.
Students know that their Secondary English grades and futures depend on the way they write and present their answers.
They spend hours memorising notes and learning quotations in order to create that ‘wow’ effect in their writing.
Adults write mainly for business purposes and they really need to inject that ‘wow’ element because they will never be able to reach their target audience without this skill.
Ok, ok, you may say. Exactly how do you do this?
Know your audience – Hit the target for question requirements.
ForSecondary English students, their target is their examiner.
The person marking that all-importantSecondary English exam paper must really appreciate their writing. Their words should resonate with the examiner and the examiner should nod while reading your essay,….in approval of course. 😊
How do you do this in your Secondary English paper?

RULE #1 – You will need to understand the question
What is it asking you to do? We are discussing the perimeters of a Secondary English exam paper. And all students know that ‘key words’ are essential to scrutinise and flesh out the finer points of writing.
When you look at the question, do not just read it. LOOK OUT for the more important words. Stare at it and let the meaning sink in. Explore the inner meaning of those words.
Let the hidden meanings seep into your consciousness. REALISE what it is actually asking of you. You need to know all of this before taking the next step.
RULE #2 – Impress with well-crafted words
Let the words do the talking. I know it sounds like a cliché but that is really what this little game is all about. Not all of us are born as a Shakespeare or Arthur Miller. I am sure you have heard of them.
Shakespeare is that bald writing marvel from 15th century London and Arther Miller was the playwright from the US whose masterpiece was Death of a Salesman.
Ok. That is a tall order.
These people come along once or twice in a lifetime perhaps. And some are rarely overtaken no matter how many centuries. Shakespeare was one of a kind. We can’t write like he did but we can try to create some well-crafted words which suit our intentions perfectly.
What you need to do is suit the words as closely as possible to your thoughts in order to score well in the Secondary English paper. This takes time but you need to try to reach for a higher level of excellence in conveying your thoughts accurately. Never, never settle for commonly used expressions. Always think out of the box.

RULE #3 – Engage the reader by writing stylishly
Make sure that you are able to touch on subjects that are current. Trending topics, people who hit the news, fads and current fixations are all newsworthy items.
Always stay current with the news. KNOW what is HAPPENING. Do not be a frog in the well.
Stay ahead of the times. That is the way to be a stylish writer.
Stylish writers do not just have masses and masses of vocabulary at their fingertips though that is helpful. Stylish writers become stylish by being able to Reflect. Yes, reflect.
Reflection is about knowing what is going on around you. You need to know about what it is that whets someone’s whistle. It is about knowing the pulse of society, the throb of the ‘now’ generation.
Don’t get left behind by not keeping up with the times. Always make sure that you include a little of the way life goes on around you when you write your Secondary English paper. This is the core element of good writing.
Remember that it all starts with some observations. You should have a keen interest in life, what is going on around you.
Engage with different activities whether it is by watching, reading or participating. Always be prepared to be amazed by the visual spectacle of life itself. It will never cease to amaze you.
And your reflections will make you a Stylish writer. That’s how it works.
Ok. Time to engage with the 3 Golden Rules and get started for your Secondary English practice. It is time to write impactfully today!