We all know that reading is the best way to improve your English. All voracious readers will testify to this.
Have you ever wondered about the virtues of reading? Try giving a child a book and watch him delve into the world of Enid Blyton’s fantasy world or a teenager, the chance to explore Hogwarts. Or reward an older teenager with the complete set of Game of Thrones?
Books can be a reward and a learning experience at the same time. I remember that I used to crave books and thought that it was the one road to happiness. Now, children are given a Big Meal reward just for reading a book.
If I were to give vent to the ironical state of matters, this blog will go on forever so let us just skim over that 😊 Books are a terrific way to beat boredom and they can be addictive too. It is a good addiction and therefore cannot be bad unless you are avoiding meals, showering, and sleeping just to finish a book. 😊
Here are 3 interesting genres which I highly recommend to take your English to the next level:
#1 – Books To Beat Your Blues
If you simply want to read a book because you think you should, then reach out for those easy-to-read ones. No, no I am not talking about simplified books filled with teddy bears.
Easy to read are books with simple themes. It could be a light theme about someone going through an ordeal. Personal experience books are always an eye-catcher. They appeal to our sense of moral courage, our need to be better than ourselves.

Take a look at people who have gone through tremendous personal struggles. Katy Piper is one of my favourite authors. She wrote her first book entitled ‘Beautiful.’ The language is simple and direct as is the message. That’s because the story itself is most unusual and riveting. It does not need embellishments so the style is strong and direct.
The learning journey sets an example for us to follow and simple language is an eye-opener for simple and effective writing. Not all verbose writers hit the vein and simple ones can wring your heart in ways you cannot imagine.
The moral lesson, style, and effective vocabulary can be a wonderful way for you to get started in your own writing.
#2 – Books For A Thirsty Mind
Books for a thirsty mind are those that take you one step further. They deal with the vagaries of our world in the way we view our society, money, rise to challenges, and how to take action.
Some autobiographies make great reads. I know Steve Jobs has an autobiography about himself. It was a sort of guide to what made his background profile and his tremendous achievement with Apple. It wasn’t just an autobiography. It was a lot more than that. For someone who could revolutionise the world with one invention, it demands more respect.
Jobs’ book is an eye-opener for those who may wish to emulate this technocrat. It is instructional in the way he began his start-up business. It is a one-of-a-kind endeavour as others followed.
If you thirst for knowledge and want to acquire what the best minds of our time have to offer, scan the bestseller charts. Choose one that suits your style. Not all recommended books may tickle your fancy.
Classics are another favourite of mine. They never go out of style. They are a bit like Golden Oldies. The songs remain evergreen forever. They may have been written hundreds of years ago but they still pack a mighty punch.
Victor Hugo’s “Les Misérables” will never be left in the dusty past. And why is that? The style is immaculate and the subject appeals to our heartstrings. Such books have the right mix of moral truth and courage coupled with a twist at the end. The style is masterful and gripping. And it will live in our subconscious minds forever.
Reading such books will create a refreshing sweep in your writing and you would have taken your writing to the next level.

#3 – Books Are The Source Of Infinite Wisdom
Infinite wisdom may be in modern books, classics as well as poetry. For wisdom, I like to read essayists and witty writers. George Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde were witty writers. If you find classic writers a bit of a bore, try looking up their plays. They can be quite hilarious!
Shaw’s “My Fair Lady” was a hit musical and movie. Oscar Wilde has written several plays of which “The Importance of Being Earnest”, a satirical play was well-received.
After watching the plays that can be found online, you may proceed to reading the books. It will give you great satisfaction. What is so wonderful about such books, you may ask? It is the style.
How does the writer manage to convey a complex theme with such humour and wit? You hardly notice that an important theme about social classes, prejudice, and ostracization is being tackled in “My Fair Lady” as you are focussed on the humorous banter between Professor Higgins and Eliza Doolittle.
Most of the play is about the disparity between classes but you hardly notice that due to the growing chemistry between the 2 characters which is mainly born of mutual resentment.
And Oscar Wilde’s comedy play is also about social classes and the pretentiousness of the upper class. It is a farcical comedy that goes to great lengths to justify the noble intentions of the main character who discovers that he was abandoned in a pram at a train station.
How do the writers do it? Serious themes with a light tone are difficult to imitate. But it is refreshing to read as such writers are gems. You won’t find many like them.
My advice to you? Read a bit of all 3 genres if you can. And if you cannot, try the first, “Books To Beat The Blues.” They are by far the easiest to read. You can finish one book in a few days.
Just get started and watch your writing move up to the next level! It will be a pleasure that you will soon discover you cannot do without. 😊