If you want to obtain a high success rate in your exams, you will need to develop your own exam strategy techniques to study effectively.
I am going to reveal some useful tips which will generate instant results.
All you have to do is to start practising this on a weekly basis (at least).
Exam Strategy 1
The first step you have to make is to change the approach to your entire study routine.
Only do what will give you immediate results.
Ok. What is the first factor to consider?
The most important factor, not only for English but for any exam is your memory power.
You will need to memorise the necessary background information necessary to give your exam performance a boost.
For any exam but for English in particular, you will need to impress with the way you write.
And how do you write really well?
With impressive words and phrases, isn’t it?
Even for those who are avid readers, I will recommend that you start memorising vocabulary words and phrases which are needed in writing.
Make lists of words that you will use for general writing.
Make another one of creative phrases for the reflective type of writing.
And make a third – one for idioms, well-worn wise phrases and proverbs.
Keep a tab on all of these on a daily basis by just reading through it.
You may do it one section at a time if you do not have much time.
Make sure that you are able to recall some of it when you want to.
Test yourself by trying to use these in your spoken English or your writing.
Make sure that you do this on a daily basis as this is an important exam strategy.
Exam Strategy 2
Ok. Once you have got those lists of words you are able to approach your writing in a more stable manner.
How do you get those lists?
That is the easiest part in this exam strategy.
Just observe anything to which you are relating.
Whether it is a newspaper article or a news report on tv or even a tv show, just jot down some words which you think are appealing or which you feel may be really useful later.
The most important strategy is to use these words as often as possible so that you do not forget them.
I will also recommend writing a short article every day.
If you do not have much time, do this in point form.
The topic could be on anything which relates to your exam.
Whether it is for your English paper or social studies, make notes every day for easy recall.
Write them with headers for easy recall and compartmentalising of information.
Make sure that the information leaps out at you the minute you peruse your notes.
Do this every day, perhaps before you have your dinner.
Just 30 minutes should be enough to master this exam strategy.
This step of reinforcing information that you have learned and writing it in points with headers will be an excellent way of practising for your exams.
Your writing will flow smoothly and you will not stop to think that often.
The process between thinking and writing will be as smooth as butter.
And your results will speak for themselves.
Exam Strategy 3
The last step is Checking.
I know this sounds relatively simple and useless but trust me, this is by far the most critical step when it comes to exam strategy.
Checking will save you from making errors and you would have saved several marks by doing so.
Remember we all perform in exams under some pressure.
And there is no denying that mistakes may occur when you perform in such circumstances.
One of the biggest mistakes students had made was when they left out a difficult question to answer for later and forgot about it as they were too immersed in the paper.
Checking at the end will be an immense relief for you.
You will be almost certain to score perfectly if you follow this little routine.
Be sure to remember my little strategies.
They will save you a lot of hassle in your exams and you will attain the score you deserve.