Traditional education always comprised of sports even from the days of English aristocratic schools.
Academic education has always co-existed with sports and parents have found it a necessary tool in managing their children’s education.
And why is that?
Sports used to be the favourite pastime of boys especially in boarding schools but girls liked sports too.
And what was the upshot?
Sports caught on. Competitions were organised between schools.
Sister and brother schools became a major thrill for students.
Life became more fun and students had a chance to spend time as a team outside their classrooms.
There are 3 awesome benefits for students as there are for adults when one plays sports:
#1 Feeling Good
The most obvious benefit being weight control and releasing endorphins which is a ‘feel good’ hormone that drastically changes the way you feel.
Feeling good is instrumental in creating mental wellbeing, a crucial element needed in the cerebral assimilation of knowledge.
The importance of feeling good cannot be emphasised enough.
Education in Singapore is a demanding process.
A student has to swim through 10 years of education with an extra 2 to 3 years in tertiary education.
Tertiary being polytechnic or junior college, it is another level they have to sail through before they can consider university education.
In fact, feeling good is a mantra for all students as it creates inner harmony and balance in their work and play.
It is also a way to avoid spending too much time on social media which can be a time consuming pastime.

Feeling good will inevitably lead to self-confidence that can go a long way in helping a student reach his/ her full potential.
Daring to go that extra mile and raising one’s own standards of academic performance will become easily achievable tasks.
As soon as a child is able to hone his/ her physical skills in sports, he/ she will be encouraged to try other targets.
One of the traits I have always admired in students who play sports is their courage.
They are not daunted by anything. Their innate sense of resilience makes it easier for them to handle challenges.
#2 Emotional Intelligence Aka EQ
Their emotional intelligence will be better when they play sports.
Their emotional level will be mature.
When faced with an exam or test challenge, they will be less likely to buckle under pressure.
They have already learnt to handle challenges in sports.
The task of achieving within realistic perimeters is a part of training in any sport.
And this is an attribute that is most outstanding in students who play sports.
They will be able to channel their negative emotions and sports can act as a release for them.
Their work performance will improve and they will be competent in all areas.
Students who are engaged in sports will be more respectful towards their superiors and peers.
There will be a more coordinated approach in social engagements.

When dealing with peers, they will be seen as being easy-going and affectionate.
Let’s face it. Sportspeople are always laughing gaily and looking as if they do not have a single worry on their minds.
This may not be totally true as everyone will have something to be worried about.
The point is, that people who play sports will be able to handle worries better.
They will compartmentalise it and will not allow it to become that one overriding factor in their lives.
This is a truly needful trait for managing one’s day-to-day routines well.
#3 Respect
Students who play sports will respect their team members and will be good students in school.
They will rarely get into trouble in disciplinary matters.
Such students will respect authority and abide by rules.
Accepting that one as a cog in the machinery is a needful trait.
These students will respect authority and develop a humble approach.
They will be useful members of a team as they will accept defeat graciously.
This is a much-needed attribute in school and there will be lesser chances of developing unhealthy rivalries.
They will also earn the respect of their classmates and teachers which will mean they may be elected to leadership positions.
Certainly, engaging in sports can have such a plethora of benefits that it will be a shame to keep away from playing.
“The only way to prove that you’re a good sport is to lose.” These are indeed memorable words from the legendary US baseball player, Ernie Banks.
Perhaps it is time for us to act on them. 😊